
Maine pick your own farms welcome visitors to the fields & orchards

A visit to Pick Your Own (PYO) farms and orchards is a fun way to get fresh berries, apples, and vegetables, and enjoy a day outdoors. Many farms also sell pre-picked produce that farm stands on the property. Before you head out for a day of picking check the farm website or call ahead. Weather conditions, rainfall, and other factors can cause normal harvest dates to shift. Farmers can tell you in in advance about picking conditions so you pick what you came to get! See farmer's markets also.

me pyo farms
Berry Best Farm

33 Colburn Way Lebanon, ME Phone: 207-457-1435

PYO Crops: Blueberries, peaches, raspberries
Season: Season begins mid-July. Crops are usually available in July, August. Raspberries, second and third weeks of July only; blueberries, mid- July through Labor Day; peaches, mid- August through Labor Day. Call ahead for best picking conditions.
Hours: Tuesday, 8 a.m.-7 p.m.; Wednesday-Sunday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Also: Farms stand with pre-picked fruit, baked goods, jams, honey, country crafts, tee shirts. Handicapped accessible.
Libby & Son U-Picks

86 Sawyer Mountain Road Limerick, ME Phone: 207-793-4749

PYO Crops: Blueberries, raspberries, apples, pumpkins
Season: blueberries, mid-July through October; raspberries, August to September; peaches, August to September; apples, August through October
Hours: Daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., but some days are closed for ripening. Call ahead.
Also: Blueberry and apple cider donuts, fresh apple cider, kettle corn, maple syrup, honey, pickles, gifts
Pleasant View Blueberry Farm

100 Pease Hill Rd Cornish, ME Phone: 207-625-3719

PYO Crops: Blueberries
Season: Season begins July 15 through mid-September.
Hours: Monday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sundays, noon- 6 p.m.
Also: Berries have never been sprayed with insecticides or pesticides. Payment is by cash or check only. The farm’s location has a great view of the White Mountains, and also Mount Washington on clear days.
Beau Chemin Farm

1749 Finntown Road Waldoboro, ME Phone: 207-832-5789

PYO Crops: Organic raspberries and flowers
Season: Raspberries from mid-July 20 to mid-August
Also: Farm stand open from mid-June to mid-October. Stand sells vegetable seedlings, including several heirloom tomato varieties; vegetables in season, and rare wools.
Little River Flower Farm 2014

160 Turkey Lane Buxton, ME Phone: 207-929-3967

PYO Crops: Organic strawberries, flowers
Season: Strawberries, June through October; flowers, May through October
Hours: Call or visit website for directions and picking times.
Also: Wreaths and firewood for sale
Hansel's Orchard

44 Sweetster Road North Yarmouth, ME Phone: 207-829-6136

PYO Crop: Hansel’s Orchard is a family-run orchard that features McIntosh, Cortland and Macoun apple varieties. In September, the McIntosh apples are ripe for the picking. The Cortland and Macoun apples are ready in late September through October. Pre-picked apples are available for purchase.
Season and Hours: Mid-September through October on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Wednesdays, 1-5 p.m.
Directions: East on Route 9; first right after North Yarmouth Memorial School. Email: mhansel@maine.rr.com.
Spiller Farm

85 Spiller Farm Lane Wells, ME Phone: 207-985-2575

PYO Crops:Apples, beans, beets, blackberries, blueberries, broccoli, corn (sweet), cucumbers, eggplant, melons, pears, peaches, peppers, pumpkins, raspberries, rhubarb, summer squash, winter squash, strawberries, tomatoes, other vegetables
Season:Early June through October, beginning with strawberries then raspberries, blueberries, vegetables, and finishing with apples and pumpkins in late October.
Hours: Hours, sales area, and parking change throughout the season due to day length and the crop being picked. Open almost every day. Call ahead for days and hours fruit and vegetables are being picked.
Also: Honey from hives on the farm, pre-picked produce, snacks and refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic area, farm animals. Farm tour hay rides on weekends from mid-September to late October
Beddington Ridge Farm

1951 Route 193 Beddington, ME Phone: 207-638-2664

PYO Crops: Wild blueberries using your rakes or ours. Winnow and pick over the berries using a modern cleaning machine.
Season: late July to early September
Hours: Please call ahead.
Also: Perennials, cut flowers, herbs, twig wreaths and balsam fir wreaths for sale. Restroom available
Doles Orchard

187 Doles Ridge Road Limington, ME Phone: 207-793-4409

PYO crops: Strawberries, cherries, raspberries, blueberries, apples, plums, pumpkins
Season: Strawberries, mid-June to mid-July and mid-August to mid-October; tart cherries, early to mid-July to mid- to late July; raspberries, mid-July to mid-August and early September to early October; blueberries, mid-July to mid- to late August; apples, Labor Day weekend; plums, late September; pumpkins, October. For an update, please call the farm.
Also: Farm stand with pre-picked produce, homemade fruit preserves, free hayrides, live music, straw maze, farm tours
Hog Bay Blueberries

207 Hog Bay Road Franklin, ME Phone: 207-565-3584

PYO Crops: Pick your blueberries on prime blueberry barrens overlooking a salt marsh. Rakes provided.
Season: July 25 through September 14.
Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily.
Also: Blueberry jam and pies sold. Handicapped accessible. Restrooms available. Bus parking.
Estes Farm

114 Waterman Road Buxton, ME Phone: 207-929-4801

PYO Crops:High bush blueberries and fall raspberries
Season Late July through August. Please call ahead for picking times.
Also: Restroom available
Apples at Five Fields Farm - Bridgton, ME
Five Fields Farm

720 South Bridgton Road - ME Route 107 Bridgton, ME, 04009 Phone: 207-647-2425

PYO Crops: Apples. Drive your vehicle into the field and pick your own fruit, or arrange in advance for travel by tractor. Fruit is easily picked from trees managed specifically for pick-your-own harvest.
Season and Hours: Late August through November, 9 am to dusk.
Douglas Hill Orchard - Sebago, ME
Douglas Hill Orchard

42 Orchard Road Sebago, ME, 04029 Phone: 207-787-2745

PYO Crops: Apples, pumpkins, gourds and pears.
Hours: Daily in the fall, sun up to sun down.
Also: Located near Sebago Lake in the foothills of the White Mountains. Come enjoy panoramic views while picking apples and pumpkins. Restrooms and picnic area available. Near Douglas Mountain hiking. Follow signs from Rte 107 to Orchard Road. Restrooms available.
Apple Acres Farm

Durgintown Road South Hiram, ME Phone: 207-625-4777

PYO Crop: Apples. Many varieties to choose from including Paula Reds, Macs, Cortlands, Macouns, Red Delicious, Spensers, Mutsus, Honey Crisps and Northern Spys.
Season: Labor Day to Christmas
Also: Farm stores sells apple baking mixes, syrups and granolas, cider.
Joan & Brad's Berry Farm

447 Deerwander Road Hollis, ME Phone: 207-229-1346

PYO Crops: Blueberries
Days and Hours: Open daily from 9 a.m., pending availability.
Also: Cash only.