Fresh water beaches are a mellower alternative to the salty, crowded ocean beaches on the Atlantic coast. Head a little inland and you'll find beaches along rivers, ponds, and lakes that are perfect for swimming, sunning, paddling and perhaps even fishing. Many of these freshwater beaches may also feature a grill or places to picnic (with no seagulls trying to steal your chips this time).
299 Center Hill Rd Weld, ME Phone: 207-585-2347
100 West Park Lane Swanville, ME, 04915 Phone: 207-525-4404
Off Route 102 just north of Southwest harbor Mount Desert Island, ME Phone:
8 State Park Road Jefferson, ME Phone: 207-549-7600
11 Park Access Road Casco, ME, 04015 Phone: 207-693-6231
425 Lily Bay Road Beaver Cove, ME, 04441 Phone: 207-695-2700
RR 1 Richmond, ME Phone: 207-582-2813
Plains Road and Maine Street Poland Spring, ME, 04274 Phone: 207-998-4104
consult description Access through Millinocket or Greenville, ME Phone: 207-941-4014
401 State Park Road Dover-Foxcroft, ME Phone: 207-564-2003